Wednesday, March 12, 2008

One more time (Chapter 3 Forming Skali)

I’m started my book review of one more time with chapter 3 forming skali. At late 1996 Syed Jalaludin introduce to them to doing something interesting involving IT and New Media. All of them are from Alam Teknokrat. By the same time Tg. Farid had formed a Consultancy Company with their friends from ex-CIMB and was running the company full-time while Tg. Farid keeps their job at Road Builder. Looking from the world growing up with IT and New Media Industry they don’t want left from that development technology. At the time, the internet was using in widest and e-commerce is a main focus because many people have spent a lot of time for computer. At November one of the team members suggest of Altavista Project. Alam Teknokrat and a lawyer by training had been helping them negotiate the Alta Vista deal to bring Alta Vista Search Engine in Malaysia. This proposal had a test of effectiveness from skeptical old-economy guy. He got confused and show him with visual what is Search Engine and it seemed like magic when all the information appear in to their eyes. With confident, all of them feel they have a winner on their hands. Alam Teknokrat had doing a meeting with a good feeling and move forward with internet speed. ACIF Resources help them to find the financing source. The meeting among Alam Teknokrat and ACIF Resources had doing every week with confident that the winner in their hands. For divided the share among Alam Teknokrat and ACIF Resources they had doing with boosted the paid up capital to one million ringgit from each members. A series of negotiation with AltaVista doing almost every night for two straight weeks. There were up against some heavy hitters, in particular, SingTel, Telstra, and Telia from Sweeden. All of them were from telecommunication company. At 13 December 1996 the agreement gived to them license to run an AltaVista mirror site for Asia except Japan. The license fee, traffic fee also have to guarantee a minimum traffic fee every six month and that was not cheep. At that time, the fee is not the main factor but the money is a most important to build a data centre to house those ridiculously expensive servers. Suddenly, their paid-up looked like pittance. At year 1997 they had loan from Perwira Affin Bank but the amount is not enough, they turn to their old company and applied commercial loans. To realized the project one of the team members suggested to do an Internet Exchange require RM100 million. Finally they know about the ambition of Harjono is too higher and that was crazy and all of them buy the share from Harjono for further of the mission of AltaVista. At last, their dream had come true they lunched the AltaVista mirror site on 26 June 1997.

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